
Practicing Multiplication, Arrays & Fact Triangles: Multiplication Monsters

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3rd Grade Thoughts
Grade Levels
2nd - 4th
Formats Included
  • PDF
19 pages
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3rd Grade Thoughts

What educators are saying

I left the activity for a substitute, and she said they loved searching for the matching critter and were very engaged the entire time.
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  1. This product includes all five of my Monster Math Scavenger Hunts. By purchasing this pack, you are able to save some money and will also be able to download future Monster Math activities added to this pack for free!Included are:- Ways to Write a Number: Monster Math P
    Price $15.93Original Price $17.70Save $1.77


This math activity is the perfect way to engage students, get them moving, and practice different ways to show multiplication: through problems, products, arrays, and fact triangles.

The Multiplication Monsters packet includes 24 cards, 5 student work pages and a corresponding answer key.

Each monster card features a unique monster and a multiplication problem, array, or fact family. Multiplication problems are from the 2-9 times tables.

Set these cards up around the class for an all-class scavenger hunt or use them in centers as flash cards. Students will find the matching monster on their work page and fill in the multiplication problem in its different forms as well as its product (answer).

Addresses the following 3rd Grade Common Core State Standards:
- CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.A.1 Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each.

For more information visit my blog at 3rd Grade Thoughts.

If you are interested in this get-them-moving activity, be sure to check out my other "Monster" activities:
- Contraction Critters
- Monster Math (Ways to Write a Number)

Thanks and enjoy!
Total Pages
19 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
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